Extreme Weather Policies

Below is outlined the Policy the HCV has adapted for our events – all updates will be posted on our Facebook Page


Hot Weather
If the temperature is 32.C or higher at 5pm according to the Cranbourne Botanic Garden weather station training will be cancelled.

If the temperature is 28.C or higher at 7pm training may be modified for the health and safety of the dogs, handlers and trainers.

Extreme Heavy Rain/Gale Force Winds/Thunderstorms/Floods
In the event of extreme heavy rain, gale force winds, thunderstorms or flooding, training may be cancelled.

Procedure for Extreme Weather
In the event of extreme weather HCV will use the HCV Facebook page to advise members of cancelled training. Members are also encouraged to check the BOM website for relevant weather information (http://www.bom.gov.au).


Hot Weather
If the temperature is 32.C or higher at 3pm according to the Cranbourne Botanic Garden weather station the Lure Fun Night will be cancelled.

Extreme Heavy Rain/Gale Force Winds/Thunderstorms/Floods
In the event of extreme heavy rain, gale force winds, thunderstorms or flooding, Lure fun nights may be cancelled

Procedure for Extreme Weather
In the event of extreme weather HCV will use the HCV Facebook page to advise members of cancelled Lure Fun nights. Members are also encouraged to check the BOM website for relevant weather information (http://www.bom.gov.au).

***LURE FUN DAYS – refer to Lure Coursing***


***LURE COURSING***We shall follow this from DogsVictoria

***CONFORMATION SHOWS*** – from DogsVictoria

7.6.8 Extreme Weather – Conformation
This regulation takes effect from and including Saturday 1 October 2016. (15/08/17)
Hot Weather
If the forecast temperature for the district where the show is to be held is 36 degrees or higher then:
(a) The show is to be cancelled or:
(b) The show is to be rescheduled to start at 7 pm where the exhibition area has lighting and is available
for use.

Fire Danger
If the CFA fire danger rating for the district where the show is to be held is Extreme or Code Red then:
The show must be cancelled

Gale Force Winds / Thunderstorms / Flood
If gale force winds, thunderstorms or floods are predicted for the district where the show is to be held
(a) The show MAY be cancelled or
(b) A wait and see approach may be adopted and
1. If the show proceeds, judging must stop during
thunderstorms or periods of heavy rain.
2. Judging may continue without a lunch break.
3. If possible the show may be moved inside.
4. If the committee of the affiliate deem the show to be unsafe once it has commenced, the show must
be cancelled.
5. Should a show be cancelled after commencement all awards will stand.

Procedures for Affiliates and exhibitors to follow:
1. The forecast temperature for the district where the show is to be held will be as advised on the
Elders Weather Website (www.eldersweather.com.au) at 10 am two days prior to the show. The Fire
Danger Rating for the district where the show is to be held will be as advised on the CFA website
(www.cfa.vic.gov.au) at 10 am two days prior to the show. In the event of an official declaration by the CFA the day prior to the show of Extreme or Code Red the show must be cancelled.

Regulations – Part 7 – Page 9
2. The gale force winds, thunderstorm or flood predictions for the district where the show is to be held will be as advised on the Elders Weather website (www.eldersweather.com.au) at 10 am two days priorto the show.

3. Where multiple shows are scheduled over a cluster of a number of days, then only those day(s),
where the temperature is 36 degrees or higher, or the fire danger rating is Extreme or Code Red or gale force winds, thunderstorms or floods are predicted, will be affected.

4. It is the responsibility of the secretary of the affiliate or its delegate, and the exhibitor to check the forecast weather, the fire danger rating, or the gale force winds, thunderstorms and flood prediction, for the district where the show is to be held as in procedures 1 and 2 above.

5. The secretary of the affiliate or its delegate must notify the Chief Executive of DOGS Victoria by
telephone when the decision has been made to cancel or reschedule a show.

6. The Chief Executive will place a notice on the DOGS Victoria Facebook page and website advising members of the status of any show affected by this regulation.

7. Exhibitors are to refer to the DOGS Victoria Facebook page and/or website to check the status of the show.

8. Where a show is cancelled, no entry fees will be refunded.

Where the affiliate has cancelled a show the secretary or their delegate must submit a copy of the
catalogue and pay all levies to DOGS Victoria within 14 days of the date of the cancelled show. (15/07/16)